Customer Testimonials

Galileo GPS Solutions is a seller of original Garmin and Tramigo GPS devices in Kenya. A well respected online seller. You order online and we deliver to your office or home free of charge. We only take payment when the buyer is happy with the goods. We have faithfully served the region for more than 2 years, and continue to be an innovator when it comes to GPS devices equipment. See what our customers have to say about us!

Excellent product

“I would like to point out that we are very pleased with our brand new Satellite navigator. Most impressive is the short guide you provided on delivery. It meets my needs for the latest technology, and my family’s needs because they can actually use it.

Your products are high quality, prices fair, and you provide excellent service to customers.”

Francis – Karen, Nairobi.

Secure and Prompt delivery

“As an avid traveller, a Satellite GPS device is must have item. I ordered mine from the website and they delivered the next day. Galileo GPS lived up to their reputation. They are knowledgeable, professional, price competitive, and their support is outstanding.

It has been a great experience for me to work with you, and i will recommend your services.”

Susie Waithera – Westlands, Nairobi

Cost Saving

“When we decided to invest in a GPS tracking system for our new fleet of trucks we chose Tramigo. Galileo GPS Solutions provided us with excellent guidance, competitive pricing, and their service was beyond our expectations. Thanks to Galileo GPS, we no longer pay monthly fees and the cost saving has boosted our profits. ”

F. Kiandari, BAGIK Transporters – EMBU

No More Stealing

“Am an hardware owner and an owner of two Tipper trucks. Am busy at my shop and have no time to supervise the drivers. Before installing Tramigo, I always suspected my drivers were making more money than they brought but I had no way to know the truth. After installing Tramigo am now able to know all the movement of my trucks. Every time the ignition is switched on, am sent an SMS alert. The truck drivers can no longer steal from me.

I am a very happy customer thanks to Galileo GPS solutions and their staff. I will no longer be doing business with guess work again.”

Kiarie Jackson – JK Transporters, Dandora

Now that you know how highly our customers think about us, take a look at GPS products that we have for you.

Garmin Nuvi – Vehicle Satellite Navigator

Garmin Forerunner Watches

Tramigo – Best Selling GPS/GSM Tracker